viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

A person or expert in your field that you admire

The person that I would like to talk today is Sygmund Freud. He was born in Czech Republic in 1836, and his family was composed of eight children (including himself) and his father and mother. He was a really good student in the school and then in 1853 he started to study in the University of Vienna. In that place he studied Medicine and in 1883 he started to work in the Vienna General Hospital.
But his most important contribution to the humanity was a form to understand our mind, that form has the name of: Psychoanalisis. In the first book where Freud started to carry out his theory of mind was in: “The interpretation of dreams”. In this book, he postulated that the conscience doesn´t know all that afects to us, so a lot of pathologies and a lot of our acts are not clear to us. This subjective experience that we don´t know belong to a estructure called unconscious. The estructure forms because we perceive things that our conscience is not able to accepted because it generate displeasure.

I really like Freud because this theory challenged all the theories that the humanity had in that moment to understand ourselves.  In that theories, the thinkers said that the conscious have control of all that happen in our lives, so postulated the unconscious, was really brave.

Resultado de imagen para sigmund freud

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