sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

The job that I want

The kind of job that I would like to have is in the morning being a teacher of history and in the afternoon, a psychologist. My jobs would be indoors the psychological consultation and the classroom. I think that doing this two jobs would have a good salary and being a psychologist and teacher would comply an important social work: In the first one helping other people with their mental health and in the second, try to create and interest about the history and the social problems of our country, which is the most I want.  I´m doing the first step to comply my dream, studying the major of psychology, and in one of these years, I´m thinking to start the mayor in pedagogy. This two jobs have and important responsibility with the people that I´m doing therapy and with the children and teenagers to whom I´m doing classes, so I must stay most of the time at Santiago, but that thing for me is not a problem, because I would be doing one of the dreams that I have. The most difficult part is make compatible the two majors, because the academic charge now in psychology is too much, ¡so imagine adding pedagogy! But I think that the teachers and the University officials are trying to empathize helping me in some adjustment of my schedule.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

My favourite peace of technology

After thinking and thinking, I realized that I’m not really fanatic of technology. My great pleasure right now is playing guitar, so the technology that make me more confortable this hobby. In this sense, I really like my computer. This allows me to learn in a simple way lots of guitar accords and songs that without this device, it would make me very complicated.  

I got the computer when the “Universidad de Chile” notice me that I had been selected to study Psychology. In that moment, my mother gives me the PC for make easier my university life. But in the pass of time, another activity acquired force in my self: Playing guitar. So I enter to YouTube all the days to learn songs. My life without a computer could be very difficult, because helps me in my hobbies and in my student life.

Resultado de imagen para computador